

  • Birth sign: Libra
  • Age: 63 years old
  • Preference: Straight
  • Sex: Male
  • Country: United States
  • City: Unknown

About me

I live life treating others the way that I want to be treated and almost always see the glass as 1/2 full.I am hopelessly and helplessly romantic I love animals & have dogs that are very spoiled and I'm not sure that they know they are not human. I know that life is short and I'm ready to live it to the fullest. I do thank GOD for every day given to me. My friends would tell you that I'm tender hearted and there's nothing I wouldn't do for those that I care about. I don't like to see someone being mistreated, and believe that we should always think about what we are going do or say, before we do or say it so that we don't cause pain to others. I know that there have been times when I've caused pain to someone else, but I didn't like the hurt they felt, and really try to think first so it doesn't happen again.

Photo User
59 • Canada

lovelyman303's Personality Test Results

  1. Would you date someone from another race? Yes

  2. How would you breakup with some one? Face to face

  3. What describes you best? Hard Working

  4. Do you want children? Yes

  5. How often do you clean your house? Everyday

  6. Would you date someone who has a disability? Yes

  7. What type of relationship are you seeking? Exclusive commited relationship

  8. How would you describe your social personality. Shy - Reserved

  9. Are you OK with holding hands, kissing and hugging in public? (PDA) Yes

  10. How would you handle a breakup? Try everything to get my ex back

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